KOSO 200 Data Logger (DB-02S)

Multifunction ability of this KOSO gauge for your Yamaha SnoScoot or Arctic Cat ZR 200 offers Speed, Engine RPM & Head Temp … all with maximum recall. The digital tachometer also offers two programmable shift lights. Built in Speed and Distance Timers will record the time it takes to attain your set speed or the time it takes from a stop to a preset distance. Kit includes complete instructions, hardware and installation template.



Multifunction ability of this KOSO gauge for your Yamaha SnoScoot or Arctic Cat ZR 200 offers Speed, Engine RPM & Head Temp … all with maximum recall. The digital tachometer also offers two programmable shift lights. Built in Speed and Distance Timers will record the time it takes to attain your set speed or the time it takes from a stop to a preset distance. Kit includes complete instructions, hardware and installation template.